Upcoming Sales: February 7 & 8 - 6700 Teton Dr February 7 & 8 - 6700 Teton Dr

Mini Estate Sale

That’s right!  I’m calling it!  We’re having a mini estate sale!  So what’s a mini estate sale? Well, pretty much how it sounds.  My neighborhood, Parkers Landing, is having a neighborhood garage sale May 31st and June 1st.  Why not take advantage of the traffic and hold a sale in my garage!  It really makes sense to get shoppers in the area and find amazing treasures we have on a small scale.  As I’ve mentioned, my dad, Tom Bassett, is an appraiser and he “collects” many things from those he does appraisals for at his appointments.  Which means he has quite an inventory of antiques, collectibles, coins, jewelry – you name it, he probably has it! We typically hold a garage sale every year and its usually on July 4th.  Since I can remember we did this and it was usually quite successful – most people have the day off and Fourth of July festivities are usually in the evening.  What do you do during the day? Treasure hunt of course! That’s a free tip for those who want to hold a sale and have very little competition! But, this year we’re going to hold the sale with the neighborhood and hopefully bring in the shoppers!  

What are we going to sell you ask??  First, I need to get rid of my stuff!  I have two kids who go through clothes and shoes like tissues, so plenty of kids stuff.  As always, I sell all clothes and shoes for a quarter. Yes, 25 cents! I’m not here to make money off my kids used clothes and I don’t care that any of it is name brand or not.  This gives everyone an opportunity to get nice clothes at a decent price. I’ll be honest it irritates me when sellers price name brand used clothing at ridiculous prices! I’m a bargain hunter and most garage salers are, so paying $10 for an Under Armour shirt doesn’t make sense to me.  I just bought Under Armour shirts for my kids at Kohls for $12-$16. That’s brand new and 25% off. Just look for the sales. And Target has decent clothes for less than $5 so on a budget that’s a deal. Ok, that’s my rant on overpriced used clothing. So, my sale – all clothes and shoes – one quarter a piece! I’ll also have some random household goods and décor at a very respectable price.

Let’s get into the good stuff (not that my stuff isn’t)!  

Coins – ancient and old

Jewelry – New, old, vintage, sterling

Stamps – old and unlicked

Antique glass & china – Nippon, Limoge

Books – used and well read

Antique golf clubs – used and still swing

Fossils – definitely old

Toys – vintage and newer used by my kids

Clothes – Boys (size 5-6) and Girls (size 6-8) all 25 cents and 2 for 25 cents on Saturday

Stuffed animals – all 25 cents and 2 for 25 cents Saturday

Random goodies you probably can’t live without!


Come by to look and buy some treasures!

The address is 7915 Nob Hill Road.  That’s around 70th and Old Cheney.  Plenty of signs will direct to you to the right place.  The sale will run Friday & Saturday from 8 to 4. Everything half off Saturday, all day!!!  

Thank you for all your support in getting this business moving!  See you all at the “Mini” Estate Sale!